
Data import in Scilab 6.1

A wizard has been added in the new version to facilitate the import of data coming from .txt & .csv files --> uiSpreadsheet It provides an interface on the csvRead function to facilitate the entry of arguments such as separator, decimal, conversion, header.


SCILAB 6.1 NOW AVAILABLE Check SCILAB new version here Main new features are: - Webtools utilities added for HTTP protocol, JSON data usage - importgui function has been added to easily interface csvRead - Profiling values are available as Scilab values - Values have a cleaner display: they are displayed in order on assignment, strings are quoted, complex numbers are aligned for matrices, numbers (IEEE 754 double) are not rounded, polynomials and rationals display is more compact, In structures, nested lists or structures are now displayed recursively compactly and more explicitl

Reduce model for finite element simulation

3 years after the completion of our first research project on model reduction, we are now able to put in production the creation of parametric models. Our proud release 1.0 of the Scilab Model Reduction toolbox: One use case of the use of model reduction for wind farm optimization:

Feedbacks on Scilab Conference 2019

Asteroidlanding - Keynote Thierry Martin, CNES French Space Agency Keynote of the French Space Agency CNES on the Asteroidlander MASCOT boarding the Hayabusa2 mission in collaboration with the Japanese Space Agency JAXA and the German Aerospace Center DLR Asteroidlanding - Scilab conference 2019 Keynote de Scilab Very Low Earth Orbits satellites modelling David Gonzales, Elecnor Deimos Satellite Systems Very Low Earth Orbits are orbits in altitudes lower than 450 km. The interaction between the atmosphere particles and the surfaces of the spacecraft is responsible for the aerodynamic

Feedbacks on Scilab Conference 2018

  Welcome to the Community   Scilab Conference 2018 - Welcome to the Community from Scilab Fraunhofer IIS Polarization Image Processing with Scilab Fraunhofer IIS @ Scilab Conference 2018 from Scilab ArcelorMittal Diabolo, the ArcelorMittal framework for management of Scientific Models Lifecycle Arcelormittal @ Scilab Conference 2018 from Scilab   Sanofi Opticlim – HVAC(*) optimization  An industry ready solution co-developed with Sanofi  * Heating, Ventilation & Air Conditionning Sanofi @ Scilab Conference 2018 from Scilab   Qualcomm  Using Open Source Nume

New Website... Have a look at what the internet went through since 1994

We are refreshing our web presence. and are merging.  Thanks to the super website Wayback Machine, you can observe how a website evolved over time:*/   1994: just a FTP server At that time, the first version of Scilab was simply distributed through FTP (File Transfer Protocol), as it was usual at that time. 1996: for the first time live on HTTP Two years after the first release of Scilab, this is how the first website of Scilab looked like:  1997: a new background pattern 2004: the rise of social media... and Scilab 3

Back to School - Training on Computer Vision & Machine Learning

We have the pleasure to host our malaysian partners from Tritytech for a joint training before their presentation at the Scilab Conference 2018, on "Making Our Computer Vision System Smarter".  Register for this professional training on November 19th in Paris. The training costs 700€ per person. Seats are limited. REGISTER FOR THE TRAINING About the course Computer vision deals with how computers can be used for gaining high level understanding from di

Scilab Conference 2018

The registration for the Scilab Conference 2018, to take place in Paris (France) on November 20th is now open. Participation is free of charge but registration is mandatory as seats are limited.   The event is the perfect opportunity to meet with members of our team and our user community. Discover and rediscover Scilab, the “Science Laboratory”, and join our growing community (100 000 downloads every month from engineers & scientists worldwide). You will learn more on numerical computing and the use of scientific programming for both research & industry. REGISTER FOR FREE TOD

OpenFOAM & Scilab Conference - 2018

ESI Group and OpenCFD, Trademark owners of OpenFOAM® & Scilab®, are pleased to announce call for papers for the OpenFOAM & Scilab Conference - 2018, which is taking place in Pune, India on August 22nd , 2018.

Google Summer of Code 2018

Congratulation to the Scilab students selected for the Google Summer of Code 2018 The Google Summer of Code (GSoC) is an annual program organized by Google to promote the development of free software. Through this program, Google offers student developers stipends to write code for various open source software projects during the spring. The participating projects are chosen on the reputation of the software, its quality and the relevance and feasibility of proposed projects. More details on this year projects are available on Scilab Wiki: Machine Learning features in Scilab MacOS 10.13