Signal acquisition & instrument control
Model. Simulate. Analyze.
In Real-time.
Scilab interacts with a large hardware ecosystem:
- Labview Gateway
- Virtual Instrument Software Architecture
- MicroDAQ Toolbox

Leverage Scilab mathematical language in Labview
Easily invoke your Scilab Scripts from your LabVIEW Virtual Instruments (VIs).
Download the LabVIEW to Scilab Gateway

The Virtual Instrument Software Architecture (VISA) is a standard for configuring, programming, and troubleshooting instrumentation systems comprising GPIB, VXI, PXI, Serial, Ethernet, and/or USB interfaces. VISA provides the programming interface between the hardware and development environments.
Hardware supported:
In partnership with National Instruments, we have developed a universal interface for measurement device from most of the device suppliers on the market (National Instruments, Agilent/HP, … ) including :
- Digital multimeter (DMM)
- Oscilloscope
- Arbitrary waveform/function generator
- AC & DC power supply
- Switch
- Power meter
- Spectrum analyzer
- RF signal generator
- Up & Down converter
- Digitizer
- Counter/timer
- Appropriate hardware, in the form of a National Instruments GPIB,GPIB-VXI, MXI/VXI or serial interface board.
- For GPIB applications, install NI-488. For VXI applications, install NI-VXI. For other hardware interfaces, NI-VISA uses the system’s standard drivers.
- NI-VISA distribution media
Getting started:
To use this module, you have to:
–> Install NI-VISA,
–> Install Scilab 5.5.2,
–> Run in Scilab: atomsInstall(“\”); (once)
–> Run in Scilab: atomsLoad(“scilab_visa”); (when starting a Scilab session).
Leverage Scilab VISA toolbox for test & measurement
Read the datasheet to find out more about signal acquisition & instrument control with Scilab VISA toolbox.
The Scilab team provides professional services for the integration of the VISA toolbox in your engineering process.
For more information, contact us at contact [at] (subject: %5BScilab%20Website%5D%20VISA%20toolbox) data-drupal-button-link-style="btn-outline-primary"