
Scilab 6.0.1 Release

Many bugs have been fixed! We are pleased to announce the release of Scilab 6.0.1! Download this brand new version at Scilab 6.0.1 is the first revision of the 6.0 development branch. It fixes bugs and implements missing features from the 5.5.2 version especially : fix crashes on corner cases (syntax, graphics, functions, etc..) improve Xcos model transformation and edition add help pages and demos For the complete list of changes and bugs fixed, please take a look at the CHANGES file.

Scilab & Octave Silicon Valley Meetup

The Scilab team and ESI North America organized a Scilab & Octave Meetup in San Jose, California on December 15th. This event took place in the Silicon Valley offices of ESI Group on December 15th, and focused on recent developments of the Open Source Software Scilab and Octave for mathematical modeling, simulation & data analytics. --- Keynote by John W. Eaton, original author and primary maintainer of GNU Octave: The origins of Octave and the open-source development model Scilab, Octave & ESI Cloud : Open source & Cloud platforms for the development & deployment of

Scilab Meetup in Japan のご案内

The Scilab team and ESI Japan are very glad to invite you all to our Scilab Meetup in Tokyo, Japan on November 16th. This event happens in parallel with the PUCA - ESI Japan User Forum, and focuses on recent developments of the Open Source Software Scilab for mathematical modeling, simulation & data analytics.  We will also host Scilab presentation in PUCA 2017 on Nov.15th. You'll have chance to join PUCA2017 for free after your registration.  ======== Scilabと日本イーエスアイは、11月16日(木)ヒルトン東京” SciLab Meetup Tokyo”を開催いたします。本イベントは、日本イーエスアイのユーザー会”PUCA2017-ESI Japan Form”の一部として開催予定で、PUCA2017 本会議でも

Webinar - Développement d'applications scientifiques

Pour re-visionner le Webinar sur le développement d'applications scientifiques avec Scilab: Scilab propose des centaines de fonctions mathématiques et un langage de programmation haut-niveau pour l'optimisation, les statistiques, le traitement du signal et les systèmes de contrôle. Scilab met également à disposition un large spectre de fonctionnalités pour le développement d'applications scientifiques et d'ingénierie, contenant: Interface graphique Algorithmes Données Plus d'infos sur le développemen

Scilab love Octave

John W. Eaton, the original author and primary maintainer of Octave just joined our team within ESI Group.  Octave was first intended as an academic companion software for a chemical engineering course. But ever since its first release in 1994 (same year as Scilab !), it got closer to the Matlab language. This demonstrates once again the commitment of ESI Group to open-source. Now part of our team in ESI Group, John Eaton will continue hisstrong involvement in the development of Octave. And Octave (in parallel with Scilab) will continue to grow. Our team can now also provide services arou

Scilab @ Embedded World 2017

We will be at Embedded World 2017, on 14 - 15 March, in Nuremberg(Germany) on the booth of our partner emmtrix Technologies, in Hall 4A, Booth 520d Please do contact us, to set up a time for some quality exchange: Meet us @ Embedded World Scilab for C Code Generation Scilab partners provide commercial and free third party code generators for Scilab: Third party code generators C Code generation with Scilab and emmtrix Code Generator In collaboration with the embedded software tool provider emmtrix Technologies GmbH, the new emmtrix Code Generator (eCG) for Scilab is introduced at the

Google Summer Of Code 2017

We are selected for the Google Summer Of Code 2017 as a mentoring organization. Come see the competing projects and take part in the development of Scilab! The Google Summer of Code (GSoC) is an annual program organized by Google to promote the development of free software. Through this program, Google offers student developers stipends to write code for various open source software projects during the spring. The participating projects are chosen on the reputation of the software, its quality and the relevance and feasibility of proposed projects. Ideas of development of Scilab are availa

The Scilab Team is now part of ESI Group

A unique opportunity to build bridges in System Modeling and Data Analytics, with ESI's existing software suite, desktop and cloud. After 5 years of Scilab versions made by Scilab Enterprises, the operational team is very proud to share with you that ESI Group has acquired the company.  Looking back to the history of Scilab, the operational team behind the software has been backed by various structures (publicly funded or private) and this is a new page for the software to be backed by a large and already-established company.  ESI Group is a pioneer and world-leading provider in Virtual Prot

Scilab 6.0.0 Release

The Scilab team is happy to announce the release of Scilab 6.0.0Download Scilab 6.0.0 Scilab 6 is a major new release of Scilab, the open source platform for numerical computation. Scilab is a free and open source software massively used in scientific & engineering communities (100 000 downloads per month worldwide).Scilab is used for modeling, simulation and scientific post-processing, in education & research (Fraunhofer Institute, Aerospace agencies, ...) and industrial companies (Airbus, ArcelorMittal, Air liquide, Microchip, PSA, Renault, Sanofi, STMicroelectronic, Valeo, ...)What'

Create your own Season's Greetings with Scilab

  With this Scilab script, create your own Season's Greeting, to share it with your friends: ScilabSeasonsGreeting.sce 1.91 kB function Star(B, b, n, name) colour = modulo(name, 128); for p = n:-1:1 for q = 1:min(p,2):2^(p-1)*b Z = B*exp(%i*q*%pi/2^(p-2)/b); xfpolys(real(Z), imag(Z), [colour colour+8]); end end endfunction txt = ["First Name"; "Date of Birth"]; sig = x_mdialog("Enter your info", txt, ["John"; "2017"]); if ~isempty(sig) then year = evstr(sig(2)); n = modulo(year,3)+3; b = modulo(yea