Scilab in French higher education programs

Scilab will be taught in 2013 new school year in French economic and business "classes préparatoires" and scientific "classes préparatoires"

Following the publication of the new programs of CPGE (classes préparatoires aux grandes écoles*) by the French Department of Education, which will be implemented in September 2013: 

  • Scilab software is the chosen software in computer science and algorithmic for all economic and business preparatory classes.
  • Scilab can be used in algorithmic and programming, as well as digital engineering and simulation in scientific preparatory classes. The dedicated CPGE/Xcos module is particularly suited for Engineering Sciences.

* CPGE is a French specific two years undergraduate program leading to a nation-wide competitive examination into a "Grande école", one of the top French engineer or business school system. 

More about using Scilab in education