Google Summer of Code 2011

Selected projects for 2011 edition

  • Remote file access 
    Bojana Ugrenovic 
    The goal of this project is to allow, from Scilab, transfer of data through number of protocols like HTTP, FTP, etc. This project will be based on the curl library.
    Mentor: Clément David.
  • Dakota module 
    Yann Chapalain
    This project will produce a Scilab extension of Dakota. This software provides a flexible, extensible interface between analysis codes and iterative systems analysis methods. 
    Mentor: Yann Collette.
  • Accurate and Portable Elementary Functions 
    Shashank Sahni 
    The objective of this project is to replace the current elementary functions like pow, sin, cos (currently based on the operating system features), by portable and more accurate functions.
    Mentor: Michael Baudin / co-mentors: Allan Cornet, Sylvestre Ledru.
  • Network module
    Nikola Ilic
    Thanks to this project and based on ZeroMQ, Scilab will be able to connect to low level network services like TCP, UDP, etc.
    Mentor: Sylvestre Ledru.
  • Binary patching 
    Stefan Mihaila
    This project will enable an easy update process of Scilab for new upstream releases or major fixes.
    Mentor: Allan Cornet.
  • Mexlib from Scilab 
    Iuri de Silvio 
    Once this project is completed, Scilab will be able to load a toolbox based on Mexlib out-of-the-box. A second step of the GSoC will be as side project to extend GIWS to manage other languages than Java. 
    Mentor: Bruno Jofret.
  • .net called from Scilab
    Igor Gridchyn
    Like JIMS is providing the capability to load Java object, this project will leverage the power of the .net virtual machine from Scilab. This will enable any .net class to be loaded and used from Scilab.
    Mentor: Allan Cornet / co-mentor: Calixte Denizet.
  • Introduce a Scilab backend to Cantor
    Filipe Saraiva
    The goal of this project is to provide the power of Scilab to the Cantor software. call_scilab (Scilab used a computing engine) will be extended and improved in this context.
    Mentor: Sylvestre Ledru.
  • CGAL module
    Edyta Przymus
    CGAL is a C++ library providing efficient and reliable geometric algorithms. This project consists in providing these algorithms straight into Scilab.
    Mentor: Vincent Couvert.

Oct 5, 2011

Final review of Scilab projects in the Google Summer of Code 2011

The balance sheet of the 2011 edition is very positive, as on 9 selected projects on Scilab, 7 of them have been successfully completed.