Character recognition application

This is a simple application for handwriting recognition using image processing and neural network.

Download the application file:

1. Scilab >= 5.3.1 (includes 5.5.2)
2. SIVP Toolbox
3. IPD Toolbox
4. ANN Toolbox

All toolboxes are ATOMS modules.




Run the file chargui2.sci in Scilab, in the directory where the file is located. In my case, it is C:\Users\\Downloads\-1.0-1-src (cd command is for changing directory).

-->cd 'C:\Users\\Downloads\-1.0-1-src' 
-->exec chargui2.gui

Open the Graphical User Interface (GUI) of the application with the following function:




The following GUI appears:



Load Image



Character selection



Pre-process character



Feature extraction



Character recognition



Learn more on character recognition with this tutorial.